Monday 27 September 2010

My Building and its surrounding area

Here I feel a strong sense of being on the periphery as I am neither in
my area (Northfield's) nor any other-I'm in limbo- on a connecting road linking
Ealing to Northfield's.

Here I have just arrived in my area, you can now begin to grasp a feeling and
sense of idea about the aesthetic and architectural qualities in Northfield's.

This photo was taken outside the local Methodist church looking
across at the core of Northfield's- where most interaction occurs.

This image shows the bus stop and various shops and cafés along Northfield's Avenue.

In this photo you can see the turn off to my road 

A signpost for my road warning you of the
upcoming bumps you will encounter.

Here, you see the top of my road and also how it begins to
bend-this creates a sense of mystery as you want to know
whats around the corner.

As you can see from this photo taken halfway down my road, the lamp posts
are in keeping with the style of architecture on the road- Edwardian.

It is not until you are about four or five houses away that you can 
distinguish which house is mine,  from here you can begin to make out the
 general shape and forms but any detail is not yet visible

This photo is the first real sighting of my house on route,
it is taken from the perspective of the public.

Here you can see the façade of my house,
built in the early nineteen hundreds in an Edwardian style.

The front door to my house.

This photograph was taken at eye level to show you what exactly I am able to
see when I look left from outside my house.

As shown in this picture my road has plenty of roadside trees and
 lamp posts.

This image shows the side entrance to Lammas Park only about
25 metres down the road from my house. Relatively tall bushes on both sides 
give off a sense of enclosure.

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