Thursday 7 October 2010

Photographing the Entrance Sequence

A sign informing everyone that lives on the road of tree works
which will mean all vehicles must be removed. 

As you can see here, directly outside my house there is quite a decorative,
old fashioned street lamp.

The old and the new paving

Showing the division between public land and the driveway to my house.

The drainage system at the end of my drive where all of the water runs in to.

This photo shows the route I take everyday to get to my front door.
 When our car is there, you feel a sense of enclosure with the wall on the other side as
the space then becomes quite restricted and limited. 

Showing the decorative brickwork design.

This photo shows an interesting vine of plants running
up the wall. 

Here you can see as we approach the entrance it starts off quite narrow
but gets wider and wider which is unusual for most entrances.

This image focuses on the interesting light source outside the front entrance.

The photo shows the front door and the Victorian style stain glass windows.

Door mat.

The change in surface materials on the floor as we enter the house.

This photo is very interesting as it shows the interior and exterior
 on either side of the door,

A close up of the stain glass window on the door highlighting its fine detail
and use of different colours.
This photo shows the many different surface materials at the front of the house.

Exterior brickwork

What you first see when you enter the house, quite a
light, airy feel to the house.

You can begin to get a feel of the house now with a continuous theme
of stain glass windows throughout the house.

The beginning of the stairs- carpet stairs through to the top of the house gives a cosy, comfy feel.

The first internal light source we meet.

This radiator is located at the very front of the house as
a heat source for when you first arrive.

The two images above show the different styles of wallpaper which
were used on the interior walls downstairs.

This photo shows the connection between the floor, skirting board and lower interior wall.

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